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Recreational Director at Large Gymnastics School in Chicago Suburbs

Premier Gymnastics West, located in the far Western suburbs of Chicago is looking to hire an experienced Recreational Gymnastics Director. Applicants must have 2+ years experience working as a director or as an assistant director in a large gymnastics facility. We are looking for a motivated coach who can mentor, lead, and manage our large recreational program.. Must have the fun energetic personality needed to work with Pre K, as well as the go-getter drive to build the school aged program. This is a large balanced gymnastics center, with an abundance of recreational as well as competitive boys and girls.

Job Description includes some or all of these duties: coaching Pre K thru pre team, customer service, internal marketing, staff development as well as creating a curriculum for the program.

This position can be full time or part time. All Full time employees at Premier are offered Vacation Pay, Matched IRA, Health Care and competitive salaries.


Company Name: 
Premier Gymnastics West

Employment type:

Required years of experience:

Application email: 

Required languages:

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