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Gymnastics Coaches Needed for Morgantown WV Gyms

Submitted by Elizabeth Emery on Sun, 03/26/2017 - 08:49

Per the Dominion Post, gymnasts in the past attending the Morgantown NCAA regional competition have been wowed by the top gymnastics talent, and with the Morgantown NCAA regional field set this year and tickets on sale for this Saturday, residents of the Morgantown area should be wowed once again.  Therefore, it would not surprise me to see interest in the Morgantown area in gymnastics increase, perhaps to the point where gyms in Morgantown, WV would need to hire more gymnastics coaches.

Gyms in Vienna West Virginia Seeking Gymnastics Coaches

Submitted by Elizabeth Emery on Sat, 10/01/2016 - 10:41

Enrollment in gymnastics is on the rise in Vienna, West Virginia, per the News Center in Parkersburg.

This means gyms in the Parkersburg-Vienna-Marietta areas of West Virginia and Ohio may need to hire more gymnastics coaches.

Mid-Ohio Valley gyms can find their next gymnastics coach by using Gymnastics Coach Finder.

Huntington West Virginia Gyms Need Gymnastics Coaches

Submitted by Elizabeth Emery on Tue, 08/30/2016 - 10:27

Little girls all over Huntington, West Virginia are being inspired by the Final Five’s performance in the Rio Olympics to want to try gymnastics, and as a result, enrollment in gymnastics all over Huntington is increasing, per WSAZ.  So Huntington and Charleston area gyms may need to consider hiring more gymnastics coaches to coach all these new students.

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